A Degree To Speak God’s Word? No.

Posted on October 4, 2011


As I prepared to share my ups and downs of business to a college class on entrepreneurship, I’m reminded of my own brief college days.

For three months I went on to higher learning to get the letters behind my name that only a degree would give, thinking it would give me greater significance. An older woman I trusted shared with me that if I wanted to speak as a profession I needed to go back to school, get a degree, then I could get paid for public speaking.

My first class I don’t remember but the second was on public speaking. I now see that even then God orders steps. It was no accident I was there and indeed God was preparing me. My instructor gave high marks as I expressed my passion and love of speaking to the audience.

That was my last class. I read my bible and was reminded of a man name Moses who was afraid to lead the people out of Egypt fearing he was not eloquent in speech. God’s answered  “who made your mouth? Go, and I will teach you what to say.”

Now I’m speaking at schools, talk shows, churches, and about to hold my very own conference. Just like God kept His promise to Moses, He keeps His promise to us.

That showed me that we can’t put limitations on God. Be bold enough to walk into your destiny. We only have one life on earth and it’s up to us to dig deep and find the gift that God gave and unwrap it for who ever comes in contact with us to see.

When we use our gifts it allows others to discover and use theirs. We are all connected and somebody is depending on you to succeed with God. Go ahead, don’t be afraid, and even if you are, go forward anyway.

God is with you.

Walk into your season.

Posted in: Inspirational